>> Request for Proposal (RFP) Professional Development Intermediary for Out-of-School Time Providers
>> Request for Qualifications for Specialized Out-of-School Time Programming
Request for Proposal (RFP) Professional Development Intermediary for Out-of-School Time Providers
Download a pdf of the RFP here.
On behalf of the City of Philadelphia (the City of Philadelphia or City), by and through its Office of Children and Families (OCF) and Department of Human Services (DHS), Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC) is seeking proposals from established professional development organizations to support and enhance the programmatic and operational capacity of out-of-school time (OST) providers. The purpose is to improve the quality and effectiveness of the OST workforce through the development, coordination, provision, management, and record keeping of professional development opportunities.
This RFP prioritizes and supports the selection of a professional development intermediary that will work collaboratively with PHMC and the City to support and strengthen the professional growth of OST program providers at all levels within their organizations. Under this new initiative, the successful applicant to this RFP will serve as PHMC and the City’s professional development intermediary delivering high-quality, professional development through access to training programs, experts in the field of Out-of-School Time programming, and well-developed content resources.
The training audience will include out-of-school time providers funded by the Office of Children and Families, as well as external after-school professionals and youth development workers, such as those from The Free Library of Philadelphia (FLP), Philadelphia Parks and Recreation (PPR), and the School District of Philadelphia's (SDP) afterschool enrichment programs. Participants will include program directors, direct service staff, coordinators, and educators, all of whom play a vital role in supporting youth development and enhancing after-school programming.
Applicant Eligibility
- Eligible applicants must meet the following qualifications:
- May be a non-profit 501(c)(3) or a for-profit organization;
- Have at least 5 years of experience in out-of-school time/ extended learning time programs, policy, professional development and/or evaluation;
- Be able to lead needs assessment, analysis, and planning with diverse groups effectively;
- Have demonstrated capacity to complete stakeholder engagement activities with multiple and diverse constituencies;
- Be able to collect and analyze large data sets; and
- Have completed one or more evaluations of large-scale public programs.
- Fiscal requirements
- Demonstrated fiscal capacity to undertake the proposed project within the required project timeline;
- Demonstrated fiscal capacity to undertake the project within the identified contracting and fee structure; and
- Proof of Insurance that complies with City of Philadelphia and PHMC requirements (refer to appendices).
Key Dates
Activity | Date |
RFP Release | 1/21/2025 |
Optional Bidders Conference | 1/24/2025 |
Deadline for Questions | 1/28/2025 |
PHMC to post final questions and answers | 1/30/2025 |
Proposals Due | 2/14/2025 |
Award Notification | End of February |
Optional Virtual Bidder's Conference
- An Optional Bidder's Conference is scheduled for Friday, January 24, 2025, 1:00 p.m. via Zoom
- Registration is required here
- A recording of the Bidder's Conference will be posted along with Bidder’s Conference slides.
- Questions submitted during the Q&A portion of the conference have been complied and made available on 1/30/2025.
Application Overview
Submissions must be made via the web-based application, found at www.philaOCFost.org , by February 14th, 2025 at 5:00 PM. No late submissions will be accepted. The web-based application will prohibit proposal submission after the deadline.
PHMC strongly recommends that applicants submit well in advance of the deadline. PHMC also recommends that applicants begin their submission as early in the application period as possible – applicants can save their work and return at a later date. Please expect the system to operate more slowly closer to the submission deadline, as more users will be logged in simultaneously.
- All applications must be submitted via https://pdintermediaryrfp.secure-platform.com/a
- The application link can also be found on www.philaOCFost.org beginning January 21st, 2025.
- Follow the prompts to register and create a login on the site. Register by clicking either “My Account” at the top of the page, or by selecting “Start Application.” You will be automatically redirected to enter your information to create a new account.
- Organizations may have multiple user logins. Collaboration on applications is available by selecting “Manage Collaborators” after initiating the application. Only one user may be editing an application at any given time. Only “Primary Collaborators” can finalize and submit applications. Once the applicant organization account is established and user can log in, the application process can be started. The application contains:
- Fillable Items
- Narrative Items
- Items for Uploading
Required Attachments
- Applicants must upload the required attachments in the web-based application. Please note that some items are only required for specific types of applications/applicants. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that relevant documents are included with the application. Failure to include required attachments or providing incomplete or inaccurate documents may result in a lower score for the application.
- Two most recently completed Fiscal Year budgets
- Most recent audited financial statement
- Most recent income statement (Profit Loss) for entire organization
- Most recent Balance Sheet (Assets/Liabilities) for entire organization
- List of current board members or Owners for for-profit entities
- Tax identification letter (501c3 letter) from the IRS for non-profit organization)
- Minority, Women, Disabled Owned Business Enterprise Certificate (MWDSBE), if applicable
- Signed attestation from the Board/owners detailing organization’s long-term commitment to providing high quality Out-of-School
- Time programming
- Organizational Chart
- City of Philadelphia Tax & Regulator Status and Clearance Statement for Applicants
Request for Qualifications for Specialized Out-of-School Time Programming
Release Date: December 11, 2024
Download a pdf of the RFQ HERE
To request to have a physical copy of the RFQ mailed to your address, click HERE.
On behalf of the City of Philadelphia’s Office of Children and Families and Department of Human Services (City of Philadelphia or City), Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC) is seeking high-performing youth-serving non-profit and for-profit organizations to deliver developmentally appropriate and fun afterschool, summer, winter, and spring break programs through the OST Network’s Specialized Strategy for children and youth in grades kindergarten through 8. This open, competitive Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process seeks to identify providers that have the capacity and skills to deliver the identified Specialized Strategy programming. Once qualified, PHMC will work with the City, the School District of Philadelphia, and our existing OST Network of providers to match qualified Specialized Strategy providers to delivery Specialized programs at school and OST sites throughout the City of Philadelphia through contracted services with PHMC.
Out of School Time (OST) programming, delivered by community-based organizations, is part of the City of Philadelphia’s continuum of prevention programs and activities designed to contribute to the overall well-being and safety of youth through access to services that promote their healthy, physical, social, educational, and emotional development. Programming is designed for all youth, particularly those who need to be diverted from or have current or previous involvement in the child welfare system.
The Specialized Strategy is designed to bring expertise in a specific content area that engages youth in the specialty of the organization through programming that operates 2-3 days per week for a minimum of 6 hours each week for 40 weeks during the school year. Programs must operate during after school hours Monday-Friday and end by 6pm.
This RFQ specifically seeks organizations with a mission that incorporates or focuses on one or more of the following content areas :
- Arts and culture - examples of this content area include but are not limited to: performing and theatre arts, visual arts, fine arts, music, dance, graphic design, film, digital media, podcasts and video, architecture and urban design, humanities, literature, arts and culture education, historic preservation, museum curation, culinary arts (nutrition and cooking), crafts, and folk arts.
- STEAM/STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) - examples of this content area include but are not limited to: Legos, robotics, coding and game design, maker spaces, art-science collaborations, and science projects.
- Sports and recreation - examples of this content area include but are not limited to: basketball, soccer, baseball, tennis, cheerleading, horseback riding, jump rope, swimming, hiking, yoga, and biking.
- Other specialized areas - examples of this content area include but are not limited to: youth leadership, mentoring, agriculture and gardening, debate, chess, exposure beyond Philadelphia, world languages, manga/anime, and journalism.
Please review this RFQ in its entirety for more information.
Organizations that are currently funded for OST programs under contract with PHMC may apply for this opportunity to add this set of program services, but they will be expected to continue already existing programs.
Download a PDF of the full RFQ HERE.
> Applicant Eligibility
> Key Dates
> Optional Bidders Conference (via Zoom - Registration Required)
> Submission Instructions
> Application Materials
> Online Resources and Links
RFQ Applicant Eligibility
To be considered for funding under this RFQ, an applicant must:
- A private for-profit organization or private non-profit organization and cannot be a government agency. Organizations that are tax exempt under Section 501[c]3 of the Internal Revenue Code must submit a copy of their most recent IRS Determination Letter.
- Have at least one year of experience running youth development programs that serve children, youth, and their families. This experience must be recent – applicants must demonstrate that they currently have operational programs.
- The proposed programming must be single-purpose programming that is excepted from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services Child Care Certification requirements.
- The regulation states that programming that is not applicable to childcare certification regulations include “A part-day school-age program that has a single purpose for the children’s attendance and that purpose is the only focus of the program. For example, basketball or art class. (Title 55 Chapter 3270 55 Pa. Code § 3270.3a.(3) https://www.pacodeandbulletin.gov/Display/pacode?file=/secure/pacode/data/055/chapter3270/s3270.3a.html&d=reduce
In addition, organizations qualified and then awarded funding through the RFQ will be required to:
- Offer awarded OST programs to participants at no cost to families and youth attending;
- Offer the program to the contracted participants for the program hours at the school site identified; and
- Provide programming that aligns and fully complies with the City of Philadelphia’s Out-of-School Time Standard Operating Procedures aligning with the strategy, model and site type awarded.
Specialized Provider Qualification Criteria
Qualification Criteria
- Meet all of the above eligibility criteria for this RFQ
- Complete application is received by 5 p.m. February 28, 2025 via the approved application platform
- Offers unique programming that will support youth enrichment in one of the areas identified in this RFQ (see Subsection A: Statement of Purpose above)
- Arts and culture
- STEAM/STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics)
- Sports and recreation
- Other specialized area
- Demonstrated fiscal and organizational capacity to operate OST Specialized Strategy programming as defined in the RFQ starting in September 2025 in one or more of the school sites identified in the RFQ.
For organizations seeking to be qualified through this RFQ to start programs in this school year (in February 2025); there are additional qualification criteria due to the accelerated timeline to start program. The additional Tier A qualification criteria are:
- Complete application is received by 5 p.m. on January 8, 2025 via the approved application platform;
- The organization has existing employed staff with all applicable clearances and certifications, including those required by SDP, that can be deployed to operate programming in February;
- Current Insurance that meets the requirement to operate OST programming under contract with PHMC and meets the School District of Phila requirements; and
- Demonstrated experience operating OST programs in School District of Philadelphia facilities within the past 24 months.
Applicant organizations are advised to review the above eligibility and qualification criteria carefully before applying.
Key Dates
Activity | Dates |
RFQ release | Wednesday, December 11, 2024 |
RFQ Bidder's Conference (via Zoom) | Tuesday, December 17, 2024 @ 1 p.m. |
Tier A Deadline for Provider Questions | Monday, December 23, 2024 @ 5 p.m. |
PHMC to Post Q&A Document | Friday, December 27, 2024 |
Tier A Proposals Due | Wednesday, January 8, 2025 @ 5 p.m. |
Tier A Qualification Notifications & School Match | Late January 2025 |
Tier A Program Launch | February 2025 |
Tier B Deadline for Provider Questions | Monday, January 27, 2025 @ 5 p.m. |
PHMC to Update Q&A Document | Monday, February 3, 2025 |
Tier B Proposals Due | Friday, February 28, 2025 @ 5 p.m. |
Tier B Qualification Notifications & School Match | April/May 2025 |
Tier B Program Launch | September 2025 |
Optional Virtual Bidder's Conference
Tuesday, December 17, 2024, 1:00 p.m.
- An Optional Bidder's Conference was conducted on Tuesday, December 17th @ 1:00 p.m.
- A recording of the Bidder's Conference is available HERE.
- You can view the Bidder's Conference Provider slides HERE.
- Questions submitted during the Q&A portion of the conference have been complied and made available on 12/27/24 HERE.
Submission Instructions
Submissions must be made via the web-based application, found at https://outofschooltimerfp.secure-platform.com/site.
- Tier A applications must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, January 8, 2025.
- Tier B applications must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Friday, February 28, 2025.
No late submissions will be accepted. The web-based application will prohibit proposal submission after the deadline.
Only applications received by the Tier A deadline will be considered for a program start date in February.
PHMC strongly recommends that applicants submit well in advance of the deadline. PHMC also recommends that applicants begin their submission as early in the application period as possible – applicants can save their work and return at a later date. Please expect the system to operate more slowly closer to the submission deadline, as more users will be logged in simultaneously.
The online submission process will include:
- All applications must be submitted via https://outofschooltimerfp.secure-platform.com/site.
- The application link can also be found on www.philaOCFost.org beginning December 11, 2024.
- Follow the prompts to register and create a login on the site. Register by clicking either “My Account” at the top of the page, or by selecting “Start Application.” You’ll be automatically redirected to enter your information to create a new account.
- Organizations may have multiple user logins. Collaboration on applications is available by selecting “Manage Collaborators” after initiating the application. Only one user may be editing an application at any given time. Only “Primary Collaborators” can finalize and submit applications.
Once the applicant organization account is established and user is able to log in, the application process can be started.
The application contains:
- Fillable Items
- Narrative Items
- Items for Uploading
Required Documents
Applicants will be required to submit the following with their applications:
- Two most recently completed Fiscal Year budgets
- Most recent audited financial statement
- Most recent income statement (Profit Loss) for entire organization
- Most recent Balance Sheet (Assets/Liabilities) for entire organization
- List of current board members or Owners for for-profit entities
- Tax identification letter (501c3 letter) from the IRS for non-profit organization)
- Minority, Women, Disabled Owned Business Enterprise Certificate (MWDSBE), if applicable
- Signed attestation from the Board/owners detailing organization’s long-term commitment to providing high quality Out-of-School Time programming
- Organizational Chart
- City of Philadelphia Tax & Regulator Status and Clearance Statement for Applicants
Application Materials
Download and review the full RFQ document HERE.
Download documents from the Appendices through the following links:
A. Required OST Program Staff Training
B. PA DHS Staff Health Assessment Form
C. School District of Philadelphia OST Program Prerequisites
D. PHMC OST Administrative Review Process
E. OST Health and Safety Report Template
F. Means Test Worksheet and Instructions
G. PA DHS Emergency Contact/Parental Consent Form
H. PA DHS Child Health Report Form
I. Out-of-School Time Data Collection and Reporting Requirements
J. OST Program Insurance Requirements
K. OST Program Expense Report Template
L. City of Philadelphia Tax and Regulatory Status and Clearance Statement for Applicants
M. City of Philadelphia General Provisions
Online Resources and Links
City of Philadelphia
- Philadelphia Department of Public Health
- City of Philadelphia Youth Workforce Development
- City of Philadelphia's Nutritional Standards
- Nutritional Development Services Afterschool Food Program (For Community Based Organizations)
State and Federal Resources
- Pennsylvania Department of Human Services Child Care Regulations
- Pennsylvania Department of Human Services Child Care Forms
- Pennsylvania Department of Human Services Keep Kids Safe site – Clearances and Training
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention